About LOG

LOG’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for lesbians in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. We provide a forum where members can meet, socialize and organize themselves for recreational and outdoor activities.

6 kayaks on a beach, link to Flickr page
Photo by Chris RubberDragon from Flickr

In LOG we…

  • operate on democratic principles, based on shared decision-making, shared leadership and open communication,
  • strive to be inclusive in our organization and activities, which are open to all ages and skill levels,
  • encourage all members to contribute to our organization,
  • depend on the good will of all members,
  • encourage members to support a group social environment.

Members are responsible for …

  • leading all of our activities,
  • planning and supporting activities in which we participate,
  • respecting LOG principles,
  • respecting group decisions,
  • annually electing nominated members to the Coordinating Committee,
  • making LOG activities open to all and enjoyable.

The Coordinating Committee is responsible for …

  • leading the organization,
  • organizing general gatherings,
  • facilitating communication among members,
  • providing orientation to new members,
  • providing technical assistance to activity leaders,
  • managing LOG’s finances and reporting to membership.